Photos: Assault @ The Grog Shop 3/21 - Black Squirrel Entertainment
Black Squirrel Entertainment

Photos: Assault @ The Grog Shop 3/21

Here at BSR, leisure time has nearly the same value as music, but the latter usurps the former in this urgent set of spring break photos.

Spring Break dispatch from BSR staff photographer Tessa Poulain:

“Went to The Grog Shop 03/21 to take pictures for Assault. They did so well the crowd wanted an encore and it was really their best show yet. Photographer band mom is very proud. There’s something good and special going on with these boys. They have the talent, energy & drive and they’re starting to get noticed. Very proud.”

All photos are taken by Tessa Poulain. Assault is a thrash band from Cleveland. You can find more on them and their music here. 

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