Where Things Stand Archives - Black Squirrel Entertainment
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Where Things Stand

Where Things Stand: NFL Edition Part 4-2019 Finale

“And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain.” ~Frank Sinatra, My Way The end is here. Where Things Stand: NFL Edition Part 4-The Finale… for the 2019 season, that is. Did you really think I would skip out on this series in 2020? Think again!  We’ve had laughs, and we Where Things Stand: NFL Edition Part 4-2019 Finale

Where Things Stand: NFL Edition Part 3

Three-fourths of the 2019 NFL season has passed and with that comes the third installment of Where Things Stand: NFL Edition. We finally have some clarity on some teams and less so on others. And no, I didn’t get the mulligan or time machine I asked for last time! If you’re a new reader, welcome Where Things Stand: NFL Edition Part 3

Where Things Stand: NFL Edition Part 2

So, we’re at the halfway point of the NFL Season and can I just say how catastrophically wrong I was about some things? I want a mulligan and a time machine to correct what I said last time!  But, with the halfway point comes the second part of Where Things Stand: NFL Edition. By now Where Things Stand: NFL Edition Part 2

Where Things Stand: MLB Edition Part 3-2019 Finale

October baseball has started, but we’re just wrapping up 2019’s Where Things Stand: MLB Edition with a Part 3 finale! While this season has been ripe with entertainment, joy, frustration and dingers galore, we finally have wrapped up the regular season. If you’ve read the previous two editions, there will be plenty of humor, snark Where Things Stand: MLB Edition Part 3-2019 Finale

Where Things Stand: NFL Edition Part 1

We’re a quarter of the way through the NFL season, so I thought: “Why not produce a new ‘Where Things Stand’ Article, with the same format as I have done with the MLB Editions?”  I will be doing four Editions, with weeks 1-4, 5-8, 9-12 and 13-17. There will be the same, if not more, Where Things Stand: NFL Edition Part 1

Where Things Stand: MLB Edition Part 2

And here we are in part two of the Where Things Stand Series for MLB.  We are now in August. All trades have been completed, with some teams bolstered, others stripped down or retooled, and others standing pat as we head into the home stretch. Along with the humor, snark and analysis, we’ll be discussing Where Things Stand: MLB Edition Part 2

Where Things Stand: MLB Edition Part 1

Photo Credit: kbhradio.com With the marathon that is the MLB season, I was wondering what kind of articles I could write. It’s the beginning of June now, and I thought why not cover the season in a three-part series, covering two months of the season each (with some of my humor and snark mixed in). Where Things Stand: MLB Edition Part 1