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Social Media

“Vine 2” came out– and nobody seems to care

There’s no worse feeling than the moment of realization that you’re going to get a stuffy nose. The understanding that the next few days, or weeks, are going to be a miserable whirlwind of sniffling only makes you yearn for the time you took for granted– the majority of your life that you spent not “Vine 2” came out– and nobody seems to care

Opinion: Social Media Is A Blessing And A Curse

Photo Credit: Wednesday March 13, 2018: A day that will live forever. Facebook and Instagram were shut down. According to The Washington Post, over 2 billion Facebook and Instagram users were unable to access their accounts for over 24 hours. Furious over the outrage, users went to Twitter to complain. Both  #FaceBookOutrage and #InstagramOutrage Opinion: Social Media Is A Blessing And A Curse