Kimberly Debnam Archives - Black Squirrel Entertainment
Black Squirrel Entertainment

Kimberly Debnam

Falling into K-Pop (part one)

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have probably heard of Korean pop music or “K – Pop”. Maybe you can’t name any of the songs or artists, but you know it exists and that it’s an actual thing. The genre became popularized in the late ’90s with groups like H.O.T., S.E.S, and Falling into K-Pop (part one)

Album Review: Sinead Harnett’s ‘Lessons in Love’

Album: Lessons in Love Artist: Sinead Harnett  Label: BAD MUSIC Release Date: September 20th, 2019 Rating: 4/5 Sinead Harnett, an English artist, recognized for her combination of R&B soulfulness with hinted electronics released her first studio album on September 20. That does not mean that she is particularly new to the music scene. Harnett has Album Review: Sinead Harnett’s ‘Lessons in Love’