Grace Davies Archives - Black Squirrel Entertainment
Black Squirrel Entertainment

Grace Davies

Ladypalooza: An Intimate but Animated Musical Evening

On March 15th within the main room of Kent’s Williamson House on a sprinkly Friday evening was the inaugural year of  Black Squirrel Radio’s Ladypalooza. Black Squirrel Radio brought in three local female acts and had them perform an intimate, small set for an audience of about thirty. But just because it was intimate and Ladypalooza: An Intimate but Animated Musical Evening

PUP Review-“Kids” and “Free at Last”

The common conception of the Canadian people in the American Consciousness is a population of maple-syrup coated and hockey playing kind folks. Canadian punk rock band PUP’s sound will blast that ideal out of your brain and get your feet moving. Starting with their 2014 self-titled album and their sophomore effort, The Dream is Over in PUP Review-“Kids” and “Free at Last”