DISNEY Archives - Black Squirrel Entertainment
Black Squirrel Entertainment


Why Phantom Manor is the Best Version of the Haunted Mansion

Phantom Manor is the best Disney Haunted Mansion ride out there and no I will not be taking any further comments at this time. Have I been to France and ridden this ride? No, but I’ve seen enough ride throughs and read enough about the history of it to fully support my claim. Located in Why Phantom Manor is the Best Version of the Haunted Mansion

Disney’s Noelle is Exactly What You Expect

Title: Noelle Rating: 3/5 Where to Watch: Disney+ Runtime: 100 Minutes     With the release of Disney+ came the megacorp’s first attempt at original movies and frankly, I was a little underwhelmed by it all.  The quick spoiler-free version of the plot is as follows. Kris Kringle’s daughter is full of Christmas spirit and Disney’s Noelle is Exactly What You Expect

The Mandalorian Looks Like A Gem While Disney+ Is A Service Full Of Gem’s

Photo credit: www.bbc.co.uk If you grew up a fan of Star Wars, Marvel, Pixar Movies or anything Disney related, then Tuesday November 12, at midnight was the equivalent to Christmas Morning to you(so basically, if you didn’t live under a big rock of ice your entire childhood). Disney+,  Disney’s brand new streaming service, is finally The Mandalorian Looks Like A Gem While Disney+ Is A Service Full Of Gem’s

A Not So Short List of What I Think You Should Watch on Disney+ this November

As I was minding my own business scrolling through Twitter yesterday, my entire timeline was full of Disney movies, TV shows, and miscellaneous other projects. Turns out the official Disney+ account had decided to do a soft release of what’s going to be featured on the new streaming service starting November 12. As I’m scrolling A Not So Short List of What I Think You Should Watch on Disney+ this November