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My Top 3 Favorite Youtuber’s To Watch

Photo credit: Recently, I was looking for a different kind of article to write. I did not want to write an article about sports. I did not want to write about the NFL, NBA, MLB or WWE. No, I just wanted to write something different. So, I looked at a spreadsheet that my wonderful My Top 3 Favorite Youtuber’s To Watch

A look at Ocarina of Time’s Ambient music

If there is one thing on this planet that deserves more praise, it’s the music from The Legend of Zelda series. No, seriously. Right from the get-go, composer Koji Kondo delivered instant classics like the series’s main theme, and the “Temple” theme. The music is mostly upbeat, intense and gives the player a sense of A look at Ocarina of Time’s Ambient music

An eSports Renaissance

Image courtesy of Blizzard If you would have asked me five years ago if I’d be watching grown men play video games on a livestream, I probably would have laughed. Professional, competitive video games have always seemed like a far-off concept to me. Just the mention of the games CS:GO & Call of Duty had An eSports Renaissance

5 Video Game Franchises that Stand the Test of Time

There are games that we grow up with, games that occupy a very special, very nostalgic place in our hearts. These are games that we can return to at any time and feel that sad and kind of happy twinge in the pit of our stomachs. Amidst new consoles, new tech and all of the 5 Video Game Franchises that Stand the Test of Time

What to Expect for E3 2017

Taking place each year, E3 is a gaming convention/conference wherein the major gaming companies are encouraged to hold presentations for fans where they can show off new games and new tech. With E3 2017 happening in a week, I thought it would be best to take a look at some of the things that are What to Expect for E3 2017

Copyright Infringement and Neoliberal Dystopia: The Simpsons: ‘Road Rage’

Image courtesy of Moby Games Like Plato from Socrates, like Elvis from Chuck Berry, like Family Guy from The Simpsons, copying has been a staple of our creative force since the beginnings of human history It should be no surprise that video games fall under this phenomenon, even taxi-style delivery games, or as the always clairvoyant Copyright Infringement and Neoliberal Dystopia: The Simpsons: ‘Road Rage’

The Art of Alienating a Community (and Why You Shouldn’t)

With the release of the much-anticipated J.R.P.G (Japanese Role Playing Game for the uninitiated) Persona 5, streamers and youtubers have been asked by publisher ATLUS to refrain from streaming or playing the game for their viewers. Streamers can play up until a certain date in the game and are advised not to show any story The Art of Alienating a Community (and Why You Shouldn’t)

5 Things We’re Looking Forward to in Red Dead Redemption 2

Last October, Rockstar Games announced that they were developing Red Dead Redemption 2, the highly-anticipated sequel to the open world western classic, Red Dead Redemption. A few days later, Rockstar released a teaser trailer for the game which got fans speculating on what the games content would include. This list is just a couple of 5 Things We’re Looking Forward to in Red Dead Redemption 2

How to Revive a Dying Series

In the deep, dark recesses of the video game graveyard you’ll be stumbling through miles and miles of games that will make your heart twinge with childhood nostalgia. Sonic, Spyro and Starfox all lie in wait, desperately searching for the developer that will catapult them back into the hearts of players. But that day may How to Revive a Dying Series

Retrospective: Top Five Legend of Zelda Games

With The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s arrival, I thought it would be a good idea to look back at the series’ other console titles and how I think they rank from great to the greatest. The Legend of Zelda began in the late 80s with a self-titled, top-down, pixelated adventure released on Retrospective: Top Five Legend of Zelda Games