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Black Squirrel Entertainment


Trials Through a Pandemic

In the middle of an unfamiliar road with her heart beating at an accelerated rate, Annbriel Steplight becomes frozen in shock. With her body unwilling to take the first step out of the car, her boyfriend comes around and opens the door for her. Her mind starts overanalyzing the situation in fear of what might Trials Through a Pandemic

A Local Hair Salon’s Triumph Over COVID-19

Photo caption: Carly Kruse, owner of Evelyn Dickerson Hair Design in Kent stands behind their new plexiglass screen at their front desk. She calls herself the “mask police” and ensures everyone inside the salon is properly masked. Sixteen years ago when Carley Kruse purchased the first hair salon she had ever worked at, she didn’t A Local Hair Salon’s Triumph Over COVID-19

The Struggles of Parking in a Pandemic

Photo caption: Unused meters sit in front of two empty parking spaces outside of Kent State’s Engleman Hall. Just over a year ago, Kent State student Stephen DelCiappo was checking meters, handing out tickets and cycling through four to five parking lots a day for his job at Parking Services. Then, on March 10, President The Struggles of Parking in a Pandemic

Finding The Perfect Coffee Place For Students

Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks are the top contenders for college students. When students need coffee, refresher, or tea they will take a trip to these locations.    Junior Nutrition major Savannah Barr, talked about how she felt about Dunkin Donuts.   “I worked at Dunkin Donuts a couple of years ago,” Barr said. “They have Finding The Perfect Coffee Place For Students

Kent businesswomen discuss challenges and encouragement as female leaders

Although the number of female-owned companies has grown significantly in the last 30 years, many women in business are still facing challenges. Others feel empowered in today’s economy. Anna Huntsman shares the stories of two women who own small businesses in downtown Kent. While scrolling through Instagram in March, I found a post from Kent businesswomen discuss challenges and encouragement as female leaders

The Glorious Sons Coming to House of Blues

Kingston, Ontario’s very own rock connoisseurs, The Glorious Sons will be supporting Britain’s celebrated The Struts on their 2018 U.S. tour. The tour will hit Cleveland’s House of Blues on May 11. The Glorious Sons, comprised of Brett Emmons [Vocals], Jay Emmons [Guitar], Chris Koster [Guitar], Chris Huot [Bass] and Adam Paquette [Drums] were signed The Glorious Sons Coming to House of Blues

Podcast: PostGrad: “Ep 1- Mara Cash”

“On today’s show my guest is Mara Cash, President of the Kent State Feminists, and she is done with excuses. On the episode she talks about the challenges this generation faces in fighting for gender equality and getting boots on the ground—whatever they call themselves.” -Christina Godfrey

Kent State Addresses Progress in Tobacco Ban on Campus

Universities around the country are banning tobacco on campuses. The Ohio Department of Higher Education says Kent State is the 26th college in Ohio to do just that. Kent State has made progress in the last six months, but future maintenance of the policy remains. In the middle of winter, you’ll always see that one Kent State Addresses Progress in Tobacco Ban on Campus

Local Geologists Suggest Alternatives to Salting Roads

Northeast Ohio is known for its unpredictable weather. Road crews from across the region gear up every winter to salt the icy roads. Local geologists, however, are saying “pass” to the salt…and suggest alternatives instead. The sound of road salt crunching under your shoes on an icy winter day is often the first sign that Local Geologists Suggest Alternatives to Salting Roads

Kent State Researcher Searches for More Efficient Energy Source

President Trump’s administration has taken a harsh stance on reusable energy. This however isn’t stopping a Kent State researcher from finding a cleaner, more efficient method of producing energy. President Donald Trump’s State of the Union Address highlighted America’s stance on energy. “We have ended the war on energy and we have ended the war Kent State Researcher Searches for More Efficient Energy Source